Silmidougou December 11, 2013
Burkina Independence Day
Wow, I am finally here with Katie in
her village. The day started well before the sun came up with the
very loud braying of donkeys and all the local goats chatting each
other up. That was before the chickens got started. The people were
quiet maybe trying to eek out a few extra minutes of horizontal time.
It was cold but I was too lazy to try to find my fleece. Tonight it
will be better positioned.

with teacher's daughter. Crazy Wenceslaus, Sophie's son. Hajji
writing with saliva at the Bisongo.
Katie called over to me at 5:45 and
asked whether I was ready. I was. I just want to see it all and
feel what her life is like here and that starts with an hour long
hilly run with the sun coming up over the trees. There were few
others up and it was desert beautiful. I couldn’t quite keep up
with her but I tried. We came home to a comfy chair where we ate
some of the most juiceless oranges known to man—but the type that
can grow in these arid conditions. That and a piece of watermelon
that we got yesterday. The cats offered some terrific entertainment.
This before we ate prosciutto and Italian cheese wraps with our last
bagel—yum. I can’t seem to get enough water but I keep trying.
Then Katie took me for a coffee at her coffee guy’s shop and the
gentlemen there enjoyed talking with Katie. Everyone does and they
just love her and keep telling me how she should stay forever. It’s
all nice to hear but I hope she doesn’t.
Then off across the village to get
water. She hooked her two bidons up to the back of her bike and we
greeted everyone along the way. Her regular pump was locked so we
went to the pump near the health center. After leaving our bidons
“in line” we visited the nurse and midwife and a few others.
Everywhere we go we see the cute little kids who attend her preschool
in the silliest outfits—fur coats and knit caps and leggings. Back
to the pump and Katie patiently waits til they tell her it is her
turn. Lucky thing Katie is there because her funnel is better than
the others so it makes the operation much more efficient. Kate is an
excellent pumper and our bidons are full in no time. Back to the

day: Katie with the Primary school PTA pres, with Asseta and
Lukemon, with Sophie at the dolo cabaret
Time to get showered for market day.
Our bucket has been sitting in the sun so while not warm, at least it
isn't freezing. I go first and try to remember the dark arts of
bathing with a bucket. Not bad results. Very glad I brought my own
lamba as it serves as both towel and coverup. I come back to my hut
(in the kitchen and look at my piles of clothes which do not include
a complet so I will be underdressed for the market. As I sit down to
write the yeasty smell of dolo comes through the little windows.
That takes my on a little trip down memory lane.
Our Christmas tree is up—a very
modest bow to our family traditions. We got that all set up after
dinner last night. The stockings are hung and our few presents are
spread out on the snow. Katie has added her tiny nativity. It is
beginning to feel a lot like Christmas. I am over the moon happy to
be here.

in Silmidougou, Santa in Ouaga, My desk/bed.
On the bus coming here yesterday
afternoon with the West African soundtrack singing loudly I couldn’t
help but feel back home. I have a deep sense of being embraced by
Africa. My heart seems to find it’s beat very naturally with the
rhythm of the road, landscape and sounds. So glad to be here. Now
off to the tailor, market, Katie’s friends and maybe a visit to the
on the bus. Katie's bus stop (yes, it is just a tree). Berama and
Christian help us get Christmas to the village.
December 12, 2013 Silmidougou
So I don’t want people to think that
it is all milk and honey, peaches and cream. Africa is still Africa
and it is dirty and dusty. Here in the sahel what is remarkable is
that it is so dry that it doesn’t get quite so stinky and gnarly
as it does along the ocean. It reminds me of conversations I have
had with Maasai Mike when I have asked him about the bright red
blankets that the Maasai wear. I wondered if they all had a chest of
blankets at home for when they have to wash their dirty blankets. He
said, no, they didn’t need to have more than one because these
blankets never get dirty. The dust comes off with a good airing in
the wind. I am beginning to feel that way about my dirty clothes!
However I will send some of them off to the neighbors for a washing
I am enjoying meeting Katie’s friends
and counterparts. The first two I met were Christian and Berama who
came to meets us at the bus stop. Or should I say the tree. There
were no other markings that would have led one to believe that this
was a bus stop but there was Christian and his moped ready to take us
back to the village! We tried several iterations of how we could get
my two giant suitcases plus two smaller bags on the moped and two
bikes. Christian was ready to start off when the whole load just
tipped off sideways. Boy we were glad when Berama came to the rescue
with a full sized motorcycle and some local bungie cords to herd my
two big bags. He is a shopkeeper so he is used to hauling big loads
around. They sped on ahead and Katie and I followed behind on the
bikes. It was so beautiful.
The next friend I met was Sophie, the
dolo lady with her young and very energetic son Wenceslaus. Sophie
is very regal—tall and strongly built with a wild hairdo that looks
like she has some fierce black worms coming out of her head. It is a
very popular style in Silmidougou. We pulled up a bench and caught
up on what had been going on since they had last seen each other. We
had a calabash of pre-dolo. Very tasty but definitely not strong.
We sat there and urged the 4-7 children to sing the songs they had
learned in preschool (bisongo). They were quite reticent at first
and then became rather competitive as it was clear that they had
learned them well. And then when Katie promised them a bisket they
were downright enthusiastic. Wenceslaus just came by this morning
for his bisket!
Then we went on to see Assieta at her
shop. I was introduced to a number of girls who live with her (some
unmarried mothers and others schoolkids who are somehow related).
And the star of the show is the four month old Jalissa who is the
apple of Katie’s eyes. She is a gorgeous little girl with alert
eyes and a crazy wardrobe which has changed every time I have seen
her. After hanging there for awhile we went around the village
saying a few more hellos and then begging off as it got dark to head
home for a very simple but tasty sausages and bagel with hot pepper
cream cheese. That was the night we put up our Christmas tree and
well deserved pasteque after school with the teachers. Lukemon,
hommes des affaires!
Yesterday after stopping at the tailors
we walked around the market. The tailor told us to come back later
when he would have more models for us to look at. When we did stop
by two hours later he had no new models to look at and suggested we
go to Asieta’s and go through her closets to find a model that we
would like. This turned out to be a quest and we finally found one
that seemed it might work. We picked out some cool embroidery
patterns and we will see what Alain comes up with by Friday
(inshallah). The market had limited goods but plenty of watermelon.
We bought a mat for Luke to sleep on and a machete for Deb. Also two
types of piment and then later some greens (VERY bitter) and some
rice and beans for a late lunch. After lunch we rested until Mariko
came for a visit. This led us back to the marche where we bought two
large watermelons for $1 each. Mariko loves watermelons and has been
known to eat a whole one her own. We split one sitting under the
shade of Katie’s one tree. And along came the “bad chief’s”
son with two chickens for us. Katie was surprised but appreciative.
They were housed in her rabbit/chicken cage while we continued to
gnosh on our watermelon. Then we decided that since we were not
going to eat them tonight we should untie their legs. Well this led
to some good, old, clean village fun. Those chickens ran for their
lives! The three of us tried to catch them but they were far too
smart for us. We called over two young girls, one named Katie, to
help us. These girls were just enough more clever than the chickens
and it wasn’t long before they caught them and then they escaped
again and then one got out of the compound and then we finally got
them truly locked up and we sat back down to our watermelon again.
After Mariko had gone home the bad chief came to greet us and Katie
was gracious. I thought he seemed fine but I don’t know all the
stories. There are so many stories!
Alain, the tailor. Buying our pasteques with Mariko. Enjoying our
Another visitor we had was the
pharmacist who came by with a mosquito net for the kitchen bed. How
nice of him! He didn’t even charge us for it. This required quite
a bit of elbow grease and some tattered pieces of torn cotton in lieu
of string to get it hung on the rafters. Would have been nice to have
a tall person around.
I made us some fabulous ratatouille
last night with eggplants, squash, onions, garlic, tomatoes,
mushrooms and black olives topped with the last of our cheeses. And
healthy doses of Tabasco. Katie managed to beg a few tomatoes from
Asieta who had a big basket of them hidden behind her house—the
only tomatoes in all of Silmidougou. The evening cooled off and we
sat out in the courtyard chairs appreciating the big light of the
moon. Cocktails first and then some chardonnay. Kind of like
roughing it! We were in bed by 8:30 and awake several times during
the night for nature’s call (it seems I need to answer nature’s
call more often when answering it is less than easy!).
Katie has just taken the laundry to the
neighbors and is asking for some assistance with water today so that
we can go sightseeing on our bicycles. This afternoon there is
supposed to be a work group at the bisongo so we hope to be back in
time to check it out. What fun!
December 13, 2013 Toujours au
Yesterday I let “Katie’s BOOT camp”
overdo me! We had our early morning run for over an hour and came
home for some breakfast. Leftovers from the night before with the
VERY last of the cheese. Yummm. Well that had me feeling so good
that by the time we did our errands and our visits I was ready for a
bike ride. The original plan was to bike into Mane and see Mariko
and go to the market. I didn’t feel like I would really get a feel
for the region without a trip to the gardens by the dam so Katie
included that in our tour. That meant a 30 km bike ride. So let me
just tell you a little bit about riding a bike here. Thirty kms in
BF is not 30 kms in northern Virginia. The roads are bumpy and sandy
and rocky and windy and up and down and long and did I mention hot.
Yes, choosing to go out at 10 o’clock was not the best choice. I
did admire the markets and was disappointed at the money that CRS had
thrown into a huge gardening project which was not being used. It is
really unconscionable. Or maybe just stupid. The road to Mane was
very hot! And lots of motos and a few cars that made it pretty
miserable dust wise. We stopped at the bus stop for a much needed
granola bar and some water before continuing on. I was so glad to
get to Mariko’s little house. When we arrived she was making lunch
for us—garbanzo beans, cabbage, tomatoes, onions and rice. It was
delicious! And then she produced some banana bread she had made!!
Woohoo. One interesting thing she reported is that there was a
seminar at the high school where they were specifically discussing
violence against women who are accused of sorcery. Whew, we may need
some help here on this! Then we went to the marche where we scored
some cadeaux vegetables for Katie’s mom. I am still stunned at
people’s generosity! Amazing. Plus we got a much coveted papaya
and cabbage. Today I made a delicious salad involving all these
delicious ingredients.
at Mariko's. VERY cold beer in Mane. Our first beers in Mane after
LONG day at Katie Boot Camp.
So then the girls decided to take me to
the coldest beers in the region. And they were SOOOOO cold. And
they were the perfect size. I hate small beers. So as we were
drinking these beers a man came over and showed us this HUGE scar on
his leg and they were all talking and he seemed to be very thankful
to Mariko. Then he left and before long three new very frosty beers
arrived at our table grace a le monsieur! Apparently Mariko had come
across this man when he had fallen off his moto while quite
inebriated. She and some other people pulled his moto off of him and
contacted a health center to help him. He is still grateful. I
looked at those beers with some dread! I was already hurting in
terms of my butt and legs! So finally after getting some yoghurt en
sachet, a lock for my kitchen bedroom and a visit to some people to
introduce me, we were back at Mariko’s and hydrating for the ride
home. I must say that the ride home was TOUGH. Since Katie had not
packed a backpack (yes, I had the only water and granola bars
strapped to me) I was carrying about 12 pounds on my back and not
feeling as fabulous as I had been thus far. We took a little break
under the shade of an acacia tree and Katie took the backpack and I
struggled the uphill battle through Mount Silmidougou and home. I
was officially pooped.
There was a cleaning up operation at
the bisongo (preschool) next door and I had really wanted to help out
but I focused on preparing dinner and resting. And taking a blessed
shower of water warmed by the sun all day. That felt SOOO good.
Last night I made Katie such a great salad and foules madams with
tons of cinnamon and garlic. All the witches will be scared away
from us. Last night was the best sleep I have had so far since I now
have a mosquito net and a little latch on my door so I didn’t have
to worry about every little sound.
After my Boot Camp hazing yesterday we
did a power walk this morning and had a very simple breakfast before
getting ready for Bisongo. OMG. Nothing could have really prepared
me for Bisongo! I was prepared to document this so I went with both
cameras. Honestly, I could have recorded the two hours non-stop but
I was worried about my film time. So I tried to be selective. The
chaos levels are almost incomprehensible when you have 140 kids in a
small room and four adult teachers including Katie. There was pure
cacophony at times but at other times there appeared to be some order
with children singing along to songs in French (me of course
wondering if anyone had any idea what they were signing) but by the
end of each song I could sing most of the words. There were dance
contests. And some of the most interesting interplay was watching
the kids learn good manners. For example, there was a little act
they had to parody where they had to go up to a teacher and bow,
curtsy and ask for a beaded gourd and then once they got the beaded
gourd they had to take it to another teacher and bow and curtsy and
give it to her. Some kids were better at this than others needless
to say! At one point Sophie went over and bent down and curtsied in
front of Christian showing the subservience of wife to husband. Not
too sure how Katie and I felt about that one!!
Then we went outdoors for activities
mostly involving racing while walking like a duck. While these
exhibitions and races are going on the kids are doing all sorts of
things like, heading across the path to poop or pee, or choose to
just pee in place. Others were getting into little fights and
punching kids right and left. I intervened only one. Others were
taking naps or just sitting there with tears rolling down their
cheeks not understanding why they were apart from their mothers. We
finally went back inside the tiny room after an extended pee break
and have your snack break. My battery is getting low but I can only
sum it up to say that my smile never faltered and my cheeks hurt
after being there for two hours because it was just so comical!
Came home to underwear washing and then
a bit of housekeeping. Katie has a cute house but it needed a little
Mom TLC so I put on my gloves and cleaned off a lot of stuff and
threw out a bunch of stuff and reorganized her new stuff—Katie had
never had glasses, cutlery or good plates prior to our arrival. So I
started with my pink gloves on but by the time I did the final sweep
of the floors, I was just up to my elbows in dirty water. With her
new paint job it looked good when I got here but now with the
cleaning and the Christmas area it looks fabulous! Need to find some
Christmas paper for some last minute buys! Tomorrow we will pack up
early to get the 6:30 AM bus.
Katie had a LONG meeting after school
so I made us a delicious lunch with more of the veggies. And a big
fruit salad. There is not much but it sure tastes good.
December 17, 2013 Banfora
Lots has happened since we left the
village. Michael and Luke arrived safely and now Luke even has his
bags. I made a big mistake and left my WHO card and credit cards in
Silmidougou. Thanks to Sophie and Assetta for rescuing me.
Yesterday we finally managed to get our rental car (a story in
itself!) and by 12:30 we spent another 30 minutes trying to get out
of Ouaga. It was a long schlep to get to Banfora but we got to our
hotel (described in the guidebook as an enchanting fantasy of a place
where no expense has been spared—not really what we have found but
not so bad!). Here are some last minute photos!
All good in Ouaga.
Trip adventure photos to come soon. Love to you all. Xoxo nance